27es Festival Les Istants Videos

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MARSEILLE / FRICHE LA BELLE DE MAI  – 13331 Marseille Cedex 3- France

Towards the free movement of bodies and desires
Video art is a contemporary art … of the struggle of those who have not yet renounced their right to bear wings.
1) More and more walls are built between those who have (almost) nothing and those who have (almost) everything.
2) Misogyny and homophobia (even when hiding behind good intentions) are walls built between bodies and desires.
 34 video and digital international  INSTALLATIONS – 11 PERFORMACES/Actions/Lectures by 9 international artists (Belgium, Canada ,France, Malta, Syria). INTERNATIONAL SCREENINGS: 159 Video by international artists dealing in a poetical way about the free circulation of bodies and desires, coming for 44 countries.


Info http://www.instantsvideo.com/blog/en/archives/category/infos